Lent: Observance through Bright Sadness, Preparation for Easter through Scripture and Art
Wednesdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 & April 6 | 6 p.m. | On Zoom & in the Fellowship Hall
Led by Dr. David Pacini, Professor Emeritus of Historical and Philosophical Theology at the Candler School of Theology
In this Bible study, we are surveying stories of God’s mysterious and miraculous work in the world as they are set out in the Paschal Vigil (Book of Common Prayer) and portrayed in the history of art. Weekly presentations will prepare participants to see Lent and Holy Week as part of the larger narrative of God’s interventions in history
March 23 | Session 4: Heart of Stone, Valley of Bones: Hearing/Refusing to Hear
March 30 | Session 5: Renewed and Regathered: Reassembled/Not Restored
April 6 | Session 6: Earliest Easter: Amazement/Fear
Meeting ID: 892 1046 6676 | Passcode: 388879
Join by Phone:
929.205.6099 | Meeting ID: 892 1046 6676 | Passcode: 388879