Welcome to The Kids Club

In The Kids Club, children will grow in faith while exploring God’s love. Through Bible study, prayer, worship and service, they will cultivate their understanding of Jesus. Children will seek to give their lives to God while connecting with each other and with various age-groups in the church family. They are encouraged to widely share their God-given gifts.

What is The Kids Club?

  • Illustration of a closed book with a cross on the spine


    A place to learn about God’s love.

  • Outline of a potted plant with two leaves


    A place to care for all God’s creation.

  • Simple line drawing of a folded towel or blanket


    A place to feel safe in the arms of God.

Flyer for The Kids Club Sunday Mornings with schedule details. Includes times for Coffee & Fellowship, Sunday School, and Worship, along with information about children's activities during the service.
Flyer for "Circle Up," a ministry program for children, youth, and parents, held Sunday nights. Includes a snack supper and meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 5-7 p.m.

A Place for Children & Families

We would love for that place to be Second-Ponce! If you want to talk more about our children’s ministry and how we intentionally seek to engage the whole family in exploring faith together, email Rev. Allie Osborne, Minister of Missions and Children’s Discipleship. She welcomes conversations with kids of all ages (and adults, too!)