Faith Resources

Discipleship and prayer resources to deepen your relationship with God and with others.

Current Study

The Grace of Les Misérables

Wednesdays | March 12-April 9 | 6 p.m.

This study of The Grace of Les Misérables by Matt Rawle will make powerful connections between Scripture, Victor Hugo’s 1862 novel and its Broadway musical adaptation through a theme exploration of justice, poverty, grace and love.

.Join Online | Join by Phone: 929.205.6099

Meeting ID: 892 1046 6676 | Passcode: 388879

Supporting Women in Ministry

“We urge you and your church to participate in the BWIM Month of Advocacy as part of your Christian witness. Supporting women in their calling is not a secondary matter for the church, it is a gospel issue. Jesus called women to proclaim the gospel, included them among his disciples, and uplifted them as examples of deep faithfulness. As Jesus’ followers, we should do the same.”

Paul Baxley, Executive Coordinator, CBF
Meredith Stone, Executive Director, BWIM

Deeper Faith During Lent

During Lent, we often focus solely on “getting rid” of something that draws us away from God or spending additional time in confession of sin and contemplating the cross—both are good practices and are things that we need to consider as we walk with Jesus toward the cross. In addition, trying new (or re-trying familiar) spiritual practices during this season can provide new ways to interact with God.  Such experiments can grow into healthy spiritual habits.

The Discipleship Council hopes that our three suggested spiritual practices during February gave you opportunities for meaningful time with God and to try something new. If you were unable to practice the suggestions during the week we shared them, we encourage you to go back during Lent and spend some time fasting (from food or something else that keeps you from God), seeking solitude and celebrating God. We chose three practices to try during February, but there are many others! 

You can find many resources from classic texts (i.e., Foster) to more modern treatments (Barton) that can help in your practice of these spiritual disciplines. Check out the list on this page.

Suggested Resources

A Year with God: Living Out the Spiritual Disciplines, edited by Richard Foster and Julia Roller (daily devotion organized into 17 topics)

Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster (the classic text)

Sacred Rhythms: Arranging our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haily Barton (a more modern approach)

Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation by Robert Mulholland

The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard

Wilderness Time: A Guide for Spiritual Retreat by Emilie Griffin

Current Prayer Focus

40 Weeks of Prayer

 When a body of believers prays together, there is a spirit like no other. Walls fall and barriers crumble … creativity blooms ... relationships grow and strengthen ... faith is fortified ... joy surges and vision is renewed.

In times of transition, prayers for vision, wisdom and strength are important. Accordingly, the Discipleship Council invites our church family to covenant together for 40 weeks of prayer—from August 4, 2024 to May 4, 2025—in our Sunday School classes and other small groups.

Prayer guides will be provided to group leaders and published at the bottom of the Signal prayer list. We invite you to join us in unified prayer—in discipleship groups, with prayer groups you form on your own, with your family or alone—for the next 40 weeks.

 Check out this video introduction and an example of how to use the prompts.

Prayer Resources

  • A Year of Passionate Prayer

    Eleven months of different prayer styles highlighting both familiar and new prayer practices. We close out the Year of Passionate Prayer with a focus on that year’s Advent Devotional.

  • Guided Prayer Suggestions

    Settling into a prayer routine can be difficult, but God wants a conversation with us, and a guided approach may help. Here are some ways in which you might prepare to pray with intention.

  • Additional Prayer Resources

    A thoughtfully compiled list of contemporary and classic hardcopy resources. We hope they encourage you to read more about the practice of prayer. Most are available on Amazon.

Have resource questions?

Whether you want more information on a current resource or want to access an archived one, Second-Ponce staff are happy to help.