Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 6 | Supper: 5 p.m. | Worship: 6 p.m.
Join us Thursday, April 6 as we honor Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper. After sharing a meal together, special guests Rev. Dr. David G. Garber, Jr. and Dr. Michelle Brooks Garber will lead us through a meaningful worship experience. The Garbers come to us from the McAfee School of Theology where David is the Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew and Director of Distance Learning and Michelle serves as Director of Academic Success and Assessment. RSVP is required for supper. On the menu: Fried chicken, potato salad, vegetable, salad & dessert. Sign up by Noon, Monday, April 3.
NOTE: This event will be in lieu of our regular Wednesday night activities.
Meeting ID: 892 1046 6676 | Passcode: 388879
Join by Phone:
Meeting ID: 892 1046 6676 | Passcode: 388879