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Supper & SPdLU
Wednesday, March 20 | Supper at 5 p.m. | Discipleship at 6
Meal Cost: $8/adult; $5/child | Fellowship Hall and Live on Zoom
Join us for our mid-week fellowship! On the menu: Chicken enchiladas, rice, black beans, chips & dip, salad and dessert. After supper, Rev. John Uldrick will conclude the discipleship series—“Hope in Glory”—with part five: “It is finished” and “Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit.” RSVP for the meal by Noon, Monday, March 18.
Miss a session? Check out the playlist at
Meeting ID: 892 1046 6676 | Passcode: 388879
Join by Phone: 929.205.6099
Meeting ID: 892 1046 6676 | Passcode: 388879