2025 Deacon & Church Officer Nomination Form

Thank you for taking the time to submit your nominations for Deacons and church officers; You are an important part of the process. After the Nominating Committee makes its recommendation, every member will have the opportunity to vote on these individuals at our Church in Conference in October. Need more information? Check out our definitions of service, and names of those currently in service.

Some Nomination FAQs

  • What positions are we nominating? Deacons to serve a 3-year term, Life Deacons to serve as long as they are able and the Church Clerk and Treasurer each serving one term.

  • How do I identify a possible candidate? Consider these traits as a place to start: Church members who are ... Actively involved in SPdL life, Good stewards of their time and support of Second-Ponce ministries and activities, Seekers of healthy relationships both inside and outside of the church and Gracious sharers of their God-given talents (creativity, event planning, project facilitation, volunteer management, etc.) and passions (missions, dementia care, prayer life, welcoming new people, etc.).

Submission deadline is October 1.

Have questions or problems?

Church Administrator Chris Boltin would be happy to help.