Agile, Nimble and Consistently Focused on God

Agile, Nimble and Consistently Focused on God
By Rev. John Uldrick, associate pastor

Six Flags is one of my least favorite places in the universe. I promise it has nothing to do with the unending pavement and scorching heat that usually accompanies a summer visit. I promise it has nothing to do with having to wait in long lines to ride roller coasters. I promise it has nothing to do with overpaying for substandard food. My disdain for Six Flags is directly related to riding roller coasters. There’s just something about the speed and the quick, jerky movements of loops, twists and turns in a car made of metal that makes me nauseous.

As one of the newest members of the Second-Ponce staff, I know how hard it is when change comes at you quickly. Rapid shifts can make us feel like we’re on a roller coaster being jerked one way and then another. As the pastoral staff learns about one another and how best to serve God and the mission of SPdL through this church, we want to remind you where our priorities lie. We are committed to being open to God and where God is leading, while holding the long-standing mission of Second-Ponce at the forefront of our decision making. Our forward movements in ministry will stay agile and nimble while keeping a consistent focus on who God has called this uncommonly good church to be.

So, as you see new things on the horizon–Kids' Club FriYAY, events for young adults and men’s discipleship, Prime Timers new name–know that behind it all is a keen awareness to stay connected to who God has called us to be and how God has called us to serve this neighborhood and our world.


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