A Great Place to Land
From Rev. Heather Webb | Associate Pastor
For many years, Second-Ponce has provided a home for ministry partners who are on stateside assignment or transitioning to a new place of service. Our Missions House, located on East Wesley, has been a great place to land for our ministry partners who find themselves in need of rest, but who are also in a busy season of developing new partnerships and updating faithful supporters about their work while in the United States.
From now until December, Second-Ponce is thrilled to host Missy Ward Angalla in our Missions House while she is on stateside assignment. Missy is no stranger to Second-Ponce. She has stayed in the Missions House before and she was also our VBS guest speaker in 2019. We have been blessed to support Missy’s work through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship with Amani Sasa (Peace Now) for the last three years as she seeks to minister among vulnerable refugees in Kampala, Uganda. Since 2019, our Missions Council has allocated funds from our Medical Missions Endowment for Amani Sasa’s ongoing work with emergency medical care for refugees in Kampala. In 2020 alone, 75 refugees were able to obtain medical services because of Second-Ponce’s generous gift to support Missy’s work with Amani Sasa.
While Missy is staying in the Second-Ponce Missions House this fall, we look forward to interacting with her and learning more about her amazing work. Missy will be the speaker for our WMU meeting on Tuesday, October 5th at 11 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. I hope you will plan to join us that day to hear her update.
While Missy is staying in our Mission House, let’s also seek to shower her with hospitality and encouragement! Consider writing Missy a note of encouragement and/or a gift card to help her with the cost of groceries, gas and meals during her stateside assignment. You can email me at hwebb@spdl.org for more details about how you can help welcome Missy to our Missions House and encourage her this fall. Let’s continue to make the Second-Ponce Missions House a great place to land!