Meet Vicki and Candice

Each month, for the remainder of 2023, our church blog will spotlight members of the Second-Ponce support staff--those faces, voices and emails working behind the scenes to serve our church to the glory of God. This month, we invite you to meet Vicki McCaskey and Candice Young.

Vicki McCaskey
Pastoral Assistant and Wedding Coordinator

Describe your job for our readers

With a small office staff, I do a lot of different things in my job like:

  • Preparing correspondence, expense reports, thank you notes for memorial gifts, meeting agendas, funeral programs and communication sent via Quikkast

  • Coordinating weddings, appointments, travel schedules, funeral and memorial services and flower arrangements and decor for Sundays and special occasions like Christmas and Easter

  • Providing administrative support for the pastoral staff, audio/visual support and setup for events and reports from various church databases,

  • Maintaining the church prayer list, Realm (church database) and the Congregational Care list

Share a behind-the-scenes job story that our readers don’t know.
I once directed a wedding when the bride was 45 minutes late for the ceremony.

How would you spend the extra time if you had 25 hours in a day?
Reading a good book

If you could instantly pick up a new skill, what would it be and why?
I played the violin many years ago and would love to learn to play the piano.

What is your favorite movie snack?
Popcorn with a Coke

What are some of your interests outside of work?
Spending time with my grandchildren, Sawyer and Saylor, traveling, trying new recipes and gardening.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?
April 24, 2011, I went skydiving for the first time. I eventually went skydiving two more times and am considering going again.

Which of Snow White’s Seven Dwarfs describes you best? (Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy or Sneezy)

Finish this phrase: I’m not awake until I have…
My green Power Fuel drink.

What common “thing” have you never done?
I don’t eat bananas.

Candice Young
Communications Director

Describe your job for our readers

I tell people I have the most fun job in the office. I get to promote our church and its activities to the congregation and community. That includes creating social media graphics, flyers, posters, brochures, the Order of Worship, weekly Signal emails, the church blog, our website, t-shirts, giveaways and special projects like the Advent Devotional, stewardship campaigns and the annual Impact Report.

Share a behind-the-scenes job story that our readers don’t know.
When Ambassador Andrew Young came to speak at Second-Ponce, I was able to get his autograph before he went on stage. He signed my book to “Cousin Candice” since we have the same last name.

How would you spend the extra time if you had 25 hours in a day?
I’d bake more.

If you could instantly pick up a new skill, what would it be and why?
Painting/drawing—I’ve always loved art. My parents sent me on a trip to Italy for my high school graduation. I was in art heaven!

What is your favorite movie snack?
Buttered popcorn and Nestle’s Bunch a Crunch (preferably in the same bite)

What are some of your interests outside of work?
Binge-watching documentaries, shopping for vintage goods and antiques, cooking, playing with my niece (Lillie, 5 years old) and nephew (Tram, 2 years old), snuggling with Charlotte, my new rescue pup and watching UGA football (Go Dawgs!)

When was the last time you did something for the first time?
In January, I tried axe throwing for the first time. It was harder than I expected!

Which of Snow White’s Seven Dwarfs describes you best? (Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy or Sneezy)
With a new puppy in the house, I’m definitely Sleepy.

Finish this phrase: I’m not awake until I have…
Coffee (with Italian Sweet Cream or Cinnamon Toast Crunch creamer)

What common “thing” have you never done?
I’ve never broken a bone.


Realm: Today & What’s Next


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