Refreshed Ministry, Renewed Soul

Refreshed Ministry, Renewed Soul

By Dr. Dock Hollingsworth, senior pastor

An article in Forbes Magazine discusses the benefits of sabbatical leave, “Despite the temptation to be ‘always on,’ the best leaders have discovered-and a growing amount of research is backing this up-that the best way to stay productive all the time is to spend a good portion of it being deliberately unproductive.”

Thank you for the good gift that allows me to be deliberately unproductive for a season. The church has granted me leave for eight weeks beginning this Sunday. Thanks to the generosity of one church member, neither the church nor the Hollingsworth’s will incur the expense of this once in a lifetime retreat. For eight weeks, I will think, read, pray, play, rest and restore. Melissa and I will spend the first five weeks in Europe and the last three weeks will be in the states and include our annual family beach vacation.

While I am away, Second-Ponce is in great hands. I could not be more excited about the church’s stability and leadership right now. Duncan Harle has shown a steady hand as our deacon leader. John Uldrick and Lynn Rose have already made a positive impact on our congregation, and I have every confidence that the ministry will run smoothly as my friend Matt DuVall provides leadership from the pulpit.

I will be praying for you while I am away. I ask that you pray for me and for our church during this season apart. Specifically, please join me in praying that I will return with a refreshed ministry and a clear idea about how and where to lead our church into the next chapter of ministry. Pray that our church will be reinvigorated for outreach. While I am still discerning some specifics about our next season of ministry together, I am clear that your engagement and willingness to invite others is at the center of what is next.

I am nearly giddy about stepping away from my desk to renew my soul. I am not excited about stepping away from you. Returning home to these treasured relationships will be a great gift to me as well.

I love being your pastor,



The Bearded Baptist in Europe #1


Long-Awaited Celebration of Community