Updating Our Member Rolls

In preparation for our upcoming churchwide Q&A about reviewing our membership records.

Sunday, December 15 | 12:15-1 p.m. | Fellowship Hall

Understanding Our Membership

Currently, our church roll includes 2,223 members, but we recognize that many have not been actively involved for some time. Over 500 names lack any contact information, and another 500 individuals no longer reside in the Atlanta area. It’s time for a thorough review of our membership rolls to gain a clearer picture of our active congregation.

Why is this important?

Text reading 'Effective Ministry Planning' on a yellow background.

To plan our ministries well, we need a realistic understanding of the number of people who can actively support our efforts. We know we don’t have 2,000 members to call upon for volunteer opportunities.

Text reading 'Focusing Our Care & Support' on a yellow background.

With so many unknown members on the roll, it’s easy to lose sight of those who actually need our care. After we have identified the people who truly are no longer a part of Second-Ponce, we can focus on those who still consider SPdL to be their church family.

"Clarity for Future Leadership" text on yellow background

As we engage with prospective pastors, we need to provide an accurate picture of our membership. We don’t want to represent ourselves as a church with 2,000 active members.

The Plan for Review

At the October Church Conference, we introduced a plan to review our membership rolls and identify active and inactive members. This plan included proposed bylaw changes which will be presented for a vote at the January Church Conference. We’ve begun drafting policies and procedures for this review and will soon begin evaluating the rolls to identify inactive members.

Illustration of a blue megaphone with black accents

Your Input Matters

This is the first review of its kind in many years, and we want everyone to understand the process. At this session, you can also make suggestions, and review and offer helpful information regarding a list of members we cannot contact.

If you’re unable to attend, you can share your thoughts and questions by emailing community@spdl.org. Your email will be thoughfully considered and answered.

Your participation is essential to this important process. Thank you for helping us ensure that SPdL remains a strong church family.