An Easter Season Prayer

An Easter Season Prayer: Offered in Movements through Holy Week by the Second-Ponce Pastoral Staff

 Join us in prayer …

Lenten Journey from Rev. John Uldrick

God of goodness and mercy,

We have journeyed through the Lenten season offering our prayers to You. We have struggled to be honest with ourselves as we’ve looked into our hearts and our soul, noticing the times we’ve turned away from You. Continue to guide us as we humbly seek to repent our sins and return to Your love. May humility guide our efforts to continue to be reconciled with You and live forever in Your abundant grace. 

Maundy Thursday from Rev. Allie Osborne

God of open tables,

We remember the moments of Jesus’ humility–how He knelt at the feet of His followers, how He broke bread and spilled His own blood, how He invited each of us to sit at His table. As Jesus taught us, so we will be–humble, sacrificial and strong. We are humble servants who kneel before both friend and foe, sacrificing ourselves to Your mission in the world, and standing strong together as children who know the love of Christ. Guide us, Lord, to open our own tables–to pull up chairs for the rich and the poor, for the healthy and the sick, for the saint and the sinner. When Jesus broke His body, He did it not for the few, not for the many, but for all. Please, Lord, may we never forget it.


Good Friday from Jonathan Hall

God who joins us in our grief,

On this dark day, we remember that on the cross, Jesus endured the pain and torture of a system unfamiliar with Your love. We remember Jesus’ example of faithfulness and courage, as well as His humanity, in the face of such horrific atrocities. Lord, when You feel far away, may we hold fast to the example of Christ’s faith in You. Give us the strength and freedom to call out to You in our moments of despair and anguish.  May Your mercy reach us all in our times of greatest need. 


Holy Saturday from Bill Gabbard

God of the silence, O God who reassures and reminds,

We were yet again reminded yesterday of the pain, anguish and suffering of Your Son, our Savior—but unlike His friends gathered around Him, who believed that they had been forever abandoned by their promised Messiah—we know the rest of the story. We know that our vigil tonight will be rewarded in the morning. We know that very soon, we will experience the sheer joy felt by Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ friends. In our darkness, in our silence, remind us of tomorrow morning’s light.


Easter Sunday from Dr. Dock Hollingsworth

God of victory and abundance,

We offer our loud and full celebration of your victorious love. Transgressions forgiven. New life promised. Abundance realized. Fear abolished. In Your love, we have been saved. For all of the inheritance that is ours because of the empty tomb, we give thanks. Claim us anew in Your mercy and make us worthy proclaimers of Your love.



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