Different Gifts, Same Spirit

Different Gifts, Same Spirit
Sharing our God-Given Gifts with Second-Ponce

At the top of our Volunteer Opportunities webpage you'll find this Scripture: There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6, NIV)

We believe God gives us all specific talents and passions that can be used to make our church ministries more purposeful, more joyful and more successful. Below are current volunteer opportunities (some established and some new). As we move into the busy holiday season, we ask you to consider your unique gifts and how they could be used to glorify God at Second-Ponce.

Do you have one or some of these gifts:

  • Managing detailed tasks or projects

  • Finding quick solutions to on-the-spot problems (it's live TV!)

  • Thinking creatively about using technology as a ministry

  • Operating technology equipment and programs (no experience required)

Consider volunteering with the Worship Broadcast Team
We're currently seeking folks to help with camera work and graphics. If you're interested in joining our team, we'll provide you with easy training and get you into the Sunday rotation as soon as possible. Here are the roles we're seeking help with:
   • Camera Operators: We have two directly controlled cameras (the ones you see in the balcony) and a few remote-controlled cameras that are managed in the control room. In this role, you'll ensure that our broadcast looks great and captures all the key moments of our service.
   •  Graphics Managers: These volunteers are responsible for managing graphics that are displayed in the bottom 1/3 of the screen during the broadcast, including names, titles and hymn lyrics.

Sign up by emailing the Community Council at community@spdl.org.

Do you have one or some of these gifts?

  • Using hospitality as a ministry

  • Engaging in one-on-one and/or small group conversations (could include initiating conversations with new people)

  • Solving on-the-spot problems 

  • Working with young people

  • Completing tasks with already established processes

Consider these volunteer opportunities:

  • Front Desk/Reception Desk: As part of creating a seamless, welcoming and effective front-of-office presence for our church, we are in need of volunteers to work afternoons from 1-4:30 p.m. We're also looking to add a few names to the volunteer list to work for our receptionist when she's sick or out on vacation. If you are interested in helping out (or want to hang out with one of our regular volunteers to learn the ropes a little more) reach out to Angie Cagle at acagle@spdl.org or 404.591.4340.

  • Greeter Team: Come, be the face of Second-Ponce on Sunday mornings before Sunday School and Worship. If you enjoy meeting and saying hello to people, this is the opportunity for you. The Greeter Team welcomes members and makes sure our guests find their way to a Sunday School class or to the Sanctuary for worship. We want everyone to know we're glad they're here. To sign up, email our Community Council at community@spdl.org.

  • SPdL Bug Drivers
    The SPdL Bug is our transportation cart that takes people from their car in the parking lot to the church door. We need a few people willing to drive the Bug on Sunday mornings as well as a few drivers for special events. Email Anne Marie Alexander if you’re interested!

  • SPdL Rides Drivers
    Drivers are needed to join the SPdL Rides team! We provide non-emergency transportation for church members both to and from medical appointments on weekdays, Monday-Friday. You will be given a minimum of 48 hours notice if you are matched with an appointment request. To sign up, complete the driver form at www.spdl.org/driver. For more information, email the Community Council.

  • Youth Sunday School Hospitality
    SPdL Youth is looking for Sunday School hospitality volunteers! Each Sunday, a slot is open for someone (or couple/group) to serve as the host of that morning's breakfast. This role includes: Providing breakfast for the group, helping set-up and serve the breakfast and hanging out with the youth at the start of Sunday School. Take a look at the open dates or reach out to Jonathan Hall for more info.

Do you have one or some of these gifts?

  • Using creativity to express God's love

  • Being with others in times of grief

  • Engaging in one-on-one and/or small group conversations (could include initiating conversations with new people)

  • Solving on-the-spot problems

Consider these volunteer opportunities:

  • Flower Team: The flower team takes blooms from the weekly Sanctuary arrangements and delivers them to members who are sick or homebound. This is a wonderful ministry opportunity for those who have a love for flowers and a heart for others. You will be a blessing and you will be blessed! To sign up, email our Community Council at community@spdl.org.

  • Bereavement Hosts
    This team is present at any funeral or memorial service held at Second-Ponce. They help the family and guests find their way and provide other assistance as needed. This is an opportunity to serve others who are going through a difficult time. When family members come to SPdL and are warmly welcomed, they will know that we also cared for their loved one. To sign up, email our Community Council at community@spdl.org.

Do you have one or some of these gifts?

  • Using hospitality as a ministry

  • Completing tasks with already established processes

  • Working behind the scenes

Consider volunteering with the Sunday Morning Coffee Team
This is the newest ministry team at Second Ponce. The members of this team will arrive before Sunday School to make and distribute coffee to the common area. If you enjoy doing behind the scenes service for others, this is a great way to do it. Each member will usually serve once each month. To sign up, email our Community Council at community@spdl.org.


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