A Bigger Difference Together

A Bigger Difference Together
By Dr. Dock Hollingsworth, Senior Pastor

Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Our giving, to sustain and advance causes important to us, is the center of much joy. However, there are many in our church who are living short of that happy potential. We all can realize a more generous part of ourselves and do a better job of contributing to advancing the Good News of God’s love in Christ.

October is the month when we focus our efforts to a more intentional lifestyle of generosity. Intentional giving will take different forms depending on our history of giving and our capacity. Here are a few examples and challenges for us all to consider:

  • Some of our members don't give, or give a bill out of the wallet on occasion. Would you pray about beginning a modest level of consistent giving? Set up a $20 a month draft from your online banking and experience the buy-in and the joy of your first step toward regular giving.

  • Some of our most faithful givers set up an online draft a decade ago and have not thought about it since. Would you review your regular giving and consider an increase?

  • Some of you bring a check when you come to church. Wonderful! If that is working, keep up the good work. But you might consider moving your giving online (call the church office and we’ll show you how) or moving your giving to an automatic bank draft. Either way, your support of the SPdL ministry is no longer dependent on attendance patterns.

  • Some of you are blessed with an unusual capacity for generosity. Might you consider three different challenges: 1 Increase your regular giving as a celebration of your agency. 2.Consider establishing a family foundation that might ensure a legacy gift to SPdL. 3 Consider tithing your estate, or establishing an endowment, so that the influence of your generosity might bless generations beyond our time as stewards of this place.

If each of us makes one step toward generosity, the overall impact will result in a more vibrant base of ministry and more creative options for missions and ministry. We are making a difference now; we can make a bigger difference together.

I love being your pastor,


Feeding the 5k


Different Gifts, Same Spirit