Feeding the 5k

Feeding the 5K
by Rev. Allie Osborne
Minister of Missions and Children's Discipleship

Each year, the Atlanta Community Food Bank puts on a massive 5k in downtown Atlanta that provides food to thousands of hungry people in the metro area. In case you were wondering how in the world that works—here’s HOW and here’s WHY you should join the Second-Ponce Hunger Walk Team!

The Atlanta Community Food Bank operates through partnerships with grocery stores and restaurants all over Atlanta. The bread that’s about to expire—the produce that’s being replaced by a fresh shipment—the ready-to-eat sandwiches that have been ready since yesterday—the overstocked cans of soup or beans—all those items that no longer belong on the shelves at the grocery store, instead of finding themselves tossed in the dumpster, make their way to the Food Bank. 

The Food Bank then sells these items to food pantries across Atlanta—pantries like Toco Hills Community Alliance. And they sell them for a significantly reduced price. Places like THCA will purchase produce and other items by the pallet and distribute to families and individuals at no cost. 

Why is this service so vital for our community? 
The Atlanta Community Food Bank reports that in the state of Georgia 1 in 9 people experience food insecurity, 1 in 8 children experience food insecurity and 63% of people experiencing food insecurity are too far above the poverty line to receive federal food assistance. Food insecurity is rapidly becoming one of the biggest burdens on individuals and families in Atlanta.

How does signing up for the Hunger Walk help?  
The Second-Ponce team is registered as a contributor to Toco Hills Community Alliance. This means that every dollar we raise is added to a line of credit that THCA has with the Food Bank. 100% of that money is used by THCA to purchase food from the Food Bank (at a significantly reduced price) that is given directly to hungry people in our community. 

Please consider joining our Hunger Walk team. If you don’t want to walk a 5k, you can support this cause by donating to our team. And please know that your contributions will be purposefully spent.

The gospel truth we’ve always known is that there is enough food for everyone. This is the small part we can play in making sure our neighbors are fed. 


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