Good, Good Days Ahead

Good, Good Days Ahead
By Dr. Dock Hollingsworth, Senior Pastor


I am renewed. The pandemic has been hard on all of us, but I was particularly drained by the feverish adaptation, the planning and cancelling, the extra hours preparing for ministry that fewer people engaged. It has been wearisome. But I am renewed.

One more emotional drain…in the last few months, I have had to say “goodbye” to two of the finest professionals I have worked with. Heather has answered her call to pastoral ministry and Jeff has sold the house and he and Margie are making transition to new life in Augusta. So, how is it that I can feel renewed?

First, I am back to seeing you…in 3-dimentional, unmasked glory! I am back to lunches with people I love–and we talk of life and faith. I am back to meetings in my office, with you, hearing your hopes and praying with you that they come true. I am back to preaching in a room of faces that smile back.

But the other reason I have new life, is that I am welcoming two new colleagues who will bring bright gifts into our community. Rev. John Uldrick, and his wife Jennifer, are joining SPdL this Sunday and John will be official as Associate Pastor and on platform April 3. His creativity and heart have been felt among the staff already, as he took vacation days to join us on our recent staff retreat. Next month, Lynn Rose will begin his full-time work as our new Church Administrator. Lynn’s impressive career in the business sector has given him the professional background to lead us in beautiful new ways. These two professionals are already bringing new energy and fresh ideas. They will make us better.

Finally, have you seen all the guests in worship? The winds are blowing in our favor. Creative staff, new faces and the celebration of being back together has me sitting up straighter and smiling more. There are good, good days ahead.


Long-Awaited Celebration of Community


Don’t Take Your Eyes Off God