Don’t Take Your Eyes Off God

Don’t Take Your Eyes Off God

By Dr. Joshua Scott, Associate Pastor

Distractions are all around us! If we named every distraction we encounter daily, we would probably not sleep for three days. Thomas Edison once said, "To do much clear thinking, a person must arrange for regular periods of solitude when they can concentrate and indulge the imagination without distraction." If we choose to pause for a moment, we can hear the whispers from God that help to fuel our faith and provide clarity for our lives. Distractions such as busyness, problems and doubt obstruct our view of the everyday grace experiences that surround us daily. It is easy to overlook how God is moving in the ordinary when we focus on the different challenges and busy schedules that comprise our individual lives. However, as we pause and quiet our minds, we can shift our focus away from the challenges and focus on Christ.

We need moments and people who provide such shifts in our lives. One group of individuals who help me notice God in new ways is the Refuge Student Ministry at SPdL. Spending time with these fantastic students helps me pause from submerging myself with my life and challenges, and I am able to notice God moving and their faith evolving in new and beautiful ways. After moments with these students, I am encouraged to dance more, laugh more and view life with child-like faith. The Refuge Student Ministry helps me remain young and to continue learning. Henry Ford once said, "Anyone who stops learning is old whether at twenty or eight. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

Sunday, March 20th, it is Refuge Sunday, where our students will lead in various capacities. May we pause, learn and grow in such a way that we never take our eyes off God. May we have eyes to see the grace of God in new ways. God open our eyes to hope in you and support the next generation as together we worship you.



Good, Good Days Ahead


A Commitment to Serving and Loving