Intentional Steps

Intentional Steps
By Dr. Joshua Scott, associate pastor

It is two months into the new year, resolutions have either been continued or abandoned, but it is an excellent time for us to ask what steps we have taken to become better. For example, maybe you have started working out more, reading the Bible more or lessening the number of times you choose to go to your favorite restaurant. The question above is essential to ask but we do well to also ask: What have I done to help others flourish? Have I shown kindness to others? Have I attended to the needs of others? Have I spoken up for those who feel voiceless? These are intentional steps that we have examined together in our current book study of Becoming Brave: Finding the Courage to Pursue Racial Justice Now.

This book by Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil follows the pattern of courage, awareness, healing and intentional actions. For three sessions, many of us have gathered virtually to discuss, disagree and develop our understanding of what it means to live together in harmony. In a virtual community, we understand that each of us has a story that must be acknowledged. Dr. McNeil shares the importance of storytelling in this work stating, “The story a person tells about other people really matters. I’ve learned to be much more careful and conscious of the stories being told to me about others. I pay attention to who is telling the story and their purpose in telling it. I also know that where someone begins the story shapes the overall narrative being told.”

Intentional steps must be taken to acknowledge, listen to and value the stories that comprise our world today. We notice many different and challenging perspectives surround us. As we witness these differences, will you take intentional steps towards division or intentional steps with love towards harmony? Our last virtual gathering is on February 28 at 7 p.m. Come, and join us as we wrestle and pray that God will walk with us as we take intentional steps towards reconciliation that we hope will change us and the world.

Joshua Scott


A Commitment to Serving and Loving


Different Gifts, Same Spirit