A Commitment to Serving and Loving

A Commitment to Serving and Loving

By Jeff Miller and Dock Hollingsworth

Dear Church Family,

I am reaching out to share a personal update that is a mixture of sadness and joy. Margie and I have prayed for God’s direction and feel that He is calling us to Augusta which brings our time at Second-Ponce to an end. As some of you know, Margie is the Associate Vice President of Government Relations at Augusta University and has been commuting to Augusta almost weekly for the past six months. We’ve determined that this is not sustainable for our family, and, after much prayer, we have decided to move to Augusta following Jack’s high school graduation at the end of May.

It has been my honor to serve you for the last eight years as Church Administrator. I have fond memories of my time here at Second-Ponce, and I am grateful for all the ways you have ministered to me and my family. In addition to my employment, Eliza and Jack were dedicated here and were taught to love Jesus by many of you. Margie and I met at Second-Ponce and Dock performed our wedding ceremony. These are just a few examples of the important role Second-Ponce has played in our lives. We count all of you as friends and ask for your prayers during this transition.

May God continue to bless you as you grow in Christ, grow in community and share God’s love in the world.

Love in Christ,
Jeff Miller

Church Family,

For the last 8 ½ years, Jeff Miller has been at my side, leading the administrative ministries of our church. He has led with integrity, heart and the highest level of professionalism. Across these years, Jeff has become a valued colleague and trusted friend, so I was heartsick when he told me that he and Margie are moving to Augusta at the end of the school year.

Every life is lived in seasons, and I respect that he and Margie feel called to move away from Atlanta, but I am also grateful that the last season was spent investing in Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church. We are better because of Jeff’s commitment to serving and loving this community.

Please join me in praying that Jeff’s next season of service will bear evidence of God’s blessing and abundance. Jeff is with us until the end of May, but he did me the favor of ample notice so that I could begin a search. His early announcement also affords all of us time to express gratitude to Jeff for his wonderful work among us. I hope you will find ways to offer appreciation for his important contribution to the church we love.

I love being your pastor,


Don’t Take Your Eyes Off God


Intentional Steps